Mag2 the first onscreen magnetic webcam mount for USB-C webcams
Buy Now(Scroll to the bottom of the page to find out how Mag2 compares to our Plexicam Pro and Road Warrior models)
No more screen stare
Eye contact made easy
Confidence is key
When mounting your favorite USB-C webcam with Mag2, you'll instantly stand out by appearing more confident, engaging, and trustworthy.
Build trust and rapport
Traditional webcam mounts and built-in webcams sit above your natural line of sight, leading to a lack of eye contact. With Mag2 you'll appear more trustworthy and engaged by not looking distracted or uncertain.
Never miss a beat
By positioning your webcam near your gaze with Mag2 you can keep track of your notes, presentation, script, or audience while still leaving a lasting impression.
Stay connected on-the-go
Lightweight and ultra-portable, Mag2 is the perfect travel solution for road warriors looking to turn any airport lounge or hotel room into a studio setup. World-renowned body language expert, keynote speaker, and bestselling author Mark Bowden called it "a great, simple, small travel setup".
Achieve perfect framing by mounting at eye-level
Say goodbye to bad angles
Stuck with an unflattering top-down view? By mounting your webcam at eye level you'll be framed perfectly and look like a professional.
Packed full of features we know you'll love.
Plug and play
Connect your webcam in one simple step. The integrated right angle USB-C adapter keeps your webcam locked in place and makes cable management easy.

Display-safe™ mounting
We've thoroughly tested Mag2 on a variety of screens to ensure scratch, crack, and magnetic interference resistance.
Lights, Camera, Action!
Upgrade your video production by mounting lights, microphones, and more with Mag2.

Get your best angle
With 90° of freedom, the omnidirectional joint secures your ideal webcam angle.